Holiday Remedies

It is a wonderful time of the year. Streets and houses are bright with decorations and stores are full of busy shoppers. Cards and presents, cleaning and food preparation, memories from the past holidays and events, could be joyous and sad at the same time. Holidays are here and the stress sometimes follows. Feeling overwhelmed? Take Rescue remedy. Have you eaten more than you should have, overindulged on favorite foods or drinks? Take Nux Vomica. That dish was so tasty but fatty, and now you feel uneasy? Take Pulsatilla. Have to make a toast and feel paralyzed? Gelsemium will help you to impress your loved ones. It is time to sleep but you are so excited about the presents you are going to get tomorrow that you’re lying wide awake, and there is no way you are going to fall asleep – take Coffea cruda and rest. Homeopathic remedies are natural, safe, effective, no side effects and come very handy during holiday season.

If you have tried 3-6 doses of a homeopathic remedy and you do not see expected results, call your practitioner for more specific remedy suggestions.

Happy Holidays!