Remedy of the month: November

Nux Vomica

Eating is one of the world’s pleasures. Some people like burgers and some are fond of raw broccoli – there is no accounting for taste. We often disagree what is tasty or healthy for us but we can all agree on one thing – we like to celebrate with food. In every culture holidays are celebrated with foods, and in our multicultural society potato latkes, potato salad, eggnog, vodka, turkey, ox tail soup, sticky rice cake and tiramisu cake often end up on the same table. Holidays are upon us, and when we get together you have to try your aunt’s roasted turkey, your Mom’s famous pie and special treats from your friend’s travels. In our busy lives we do not see friends and family often, so on holidays we like to talk, eat, drink and celebrate. When conversations are many and food is plentiful, it is so easy to overeat. The good news is that we have a great helper, homeopathic remedy Nux vomica. If, when you describe your symptoms, you hear the word “over” coming up again and again – overindulge, overeat, over drink, over did and so on, consider Nux vomica. Nux vomica can give quick relief from consuming too much food and stimulants, like alcohol or coffee.

Nux vomica problems usually start or get worse from overeating or overindulging on foods or stimulants. Stomach pains, heartburn, indigestion, cramping, gas, constipation with passing stool but feeling that one is not done. Constipation alternates with diarrhea. Irritability with headaches and upset stomach. Feels very chilly and impatient. Excellent remedy for hangover.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Source: New feed